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Welcome to the first post of the CBI blog

Here is a short overview of what we are planning to do with this blog and CBI in general in 2025.

Continuous Blogging Initiative

One of our annual objectives is to improve communication about CBI and Release Engineering (Releng) topics. The CBI blog is an important part of this objective and should give our community more insight into what has happened and what will happen in the future in β€œreleng land”. It will involve a good amount of β€œlearning on the job” and we will adjust content and technical details as we see fit.

The current plan is to have:

  • One blog post per month (schedule: TBD)
  • Topics: status updates, road map insights, best practices, technical details

CBI in general

Our three main objectives for 2025 are:

  • More monitoring
  • Modernizing releng services
  • Enhance communication

We already mentioned enhanced communication above, and you are currently reading one of the results. Another step stone for better communication is a central page for CBI related topics that should make it a lot easier for everyone to find information and documentation that is distributed across multiple locations. This central page can be reached at and its sources can be found at

We will talk more about monitoring and modernization in future blog posts

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