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Jenkins Pipeline Library

This repository is here to help understand and leverage the capabilities of the Jenkins Pipeline Library (jenkins-pipeline-library).

This library is designed to streamline and standardize Jenkins pipeline configurations across projects according to Eclipse Foundation infrastructure specificities.

  • ContainerBuild: Build docker images in eclipse foundation infrastructure (based on buildkit) and publish to any container registry such as, ...
  • Jamstack: Build and publish Eclipse Foundation static website based on Hugo framework.
  • Notification: Send email notification


Configuring Jenkins Shared Library

Jenkins Shared Libraries provide a way to centralize and reuse code across multiple pipelines.

If you want to use this shared library named jenkins-pipeline-library follow these steps to configure it in Jenkins.

  1. Jenkins Configuration:

  2. Log in to your Jenkins instance

  3. Navigate to "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure System" or to your multibranch pipeline project configuration

  4. Configure Global Pipeline Libraries:

  5. "Pipeline Libraries" section.

  6. Click on "Add" to add a new library.

  7. Library Configuration:

  8. Enter a name for the library:releng-pipeline

  9. Specify the default version (e.g., main or a specific branch/tag).
  10. Set the retrieval method: Modern SCM for Git
  11. Enter the library source: ```

Now, you can use the shared library in your Jenkinsfile by referencing functions or steps defined in jenkins-pipeline-library. For example:

@Library('releng-pipeline') _

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {


By following these steps, you've configured and imported the jenkins-pipeline-library with the import name releng-pipeline into your Jenkins environment.

NOTE: shared library can also be configured at multibranch pipeline configuration level.


Build docker images in eclipse foundation infrastructure (based on buildkit) and publish to any container registry such as, ...

Using containerBuild in a stage

@Library('releng-pipeline') _

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        HOME = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
    stages {
        stage('build') {
            agent {
                kubernetes {
                    yaml loadOverridableResource(
                        libraryResource: 'org/eclipsefdn/container/agent.yml'
            steps {
                container('containertools') {
                        credentialsId: '<jenkins-credential-id>',
                        name: '<namespace-name>/<container-name>',
                        version: 'latest'

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to configure the HOME env!

containerBuild as a Pipeline

Define a full pipeline to build and deploy an image to a registry from a project.

@Library('releng-pipeline') _

    credentialsId: '<jenkins-credential-id>',
    name: '<namespace-name>/<container-name>',
    version: 'latest'

NOTE: No need to define the agent here. Can be overridden with kubeAgentYmlFile param.

Advanced Configuration

Parameter Default Value Description Required
credentialsId null Registry credentials Yes
registry Default Docker registry No
name null Image name (default Yes
version latest Default image version No
extraVersions [] Allows to tag image with different versions No
aliases null Adding extra aliases to container image No
dockerfile Dockerfile Path to the Dockerfile No
context . Build context No
push true Enable push by default No
buildArg '' Additional build arguments No
annotation true Enable image annotations by default No
latest false Tag container image with latest version No
debug false Default debug mode No
kubeAgentYmlFile null Kubernetes agent configuration YAML file (only available in containerBuildPipeline) No

More use case

More examples are available in the sample project: jenkins-pipeline-library-sample

More use cases in the test suite: jenkins-pipeline-library-sample test suite

Common errors

  1. Error: mkdir /.docker: permission denied

Define HOME env var

environment {
    HOME = "${env.WORKSPACE}"
  1. WorkflowScript: 25: Expected a step @ line xx, column xx.

Adding script tag around your specific code

steps {
    String name = env.REPO_NAME + '/alpine'
    String versions = ['edge', '3.16', '3.17', '3.18']
    versions.each { version ->
    container('containertools') {


steps {
    script {
        String name = env.REPO_NAME + '/alpine'
        String versions = ['edge', '3.16', '3.17', '3.18']
        versions.each { version ->
        container('containertools') {

Jamstack: Hugo website

Build and publish a static website based on Hugo framework.


@Library('releng-pipeline') _

hugo (
  appName: '',
  productionDomain: ''
  • The Hugo pipeline has several options that you can customize.
  • Remove unnecessary Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml, Kubernetes resource files (e.g. the folder k8s/ or src/main/k8s)

Jenkins job changes

  • If the website is on GitLab, ensure that the job configuration uses GitLab username/token as Checkout Credentials rather than GitLab username/password in the Branch Sources section of the job configuration.
  • Until done, you may experience build failures with curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 401 in the build logs.

Nginx front LB changes

  • Once the change above led to a proper preview being deployed, it's time to deploy to production.
  • Merge the change
  • Change the front load balancer configuration, e.g. change proxy_pass http://www-http/; to proxy_pass https://okd-ingress-tls$request_uri; if the previous site was deployed on www-http VMs.
  • If the site was already served from the cluster, you will need to do 2 things, and it will create a short downtime (otherwise, you're done)
    • Remove all Kubernetes resources associated with the current production and staging app/site (ask releng/infra team to do so)
    • Restart a build for the production branch of the site.

How to deploy a jamstack pipeline in a new namespace?

  • Create a new namespace in the target cluster [webmaster] oc create ns ${NAMESPACE}

  • Create the ServiceAccount with permissions by using the project jamstack-sa.

How to activate authBasic

  appName: ...,
  deployment: [
    domain: ...,
    authBasic: true

Create and set up the secret in Kubernetes:

sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
sudo htpasswd  -bc /tmp/.htpasswd my_user my_passwd
oc create secret generic <appName>-authbasic-secret --from-file=htpasswd=/tmp/.htpasswd -n ${NAMESPACE}

Manage Dockerhub private registry

Create a secret based on the project bot and in the project Kubernetes namespace.

oc create secret docker-registry --namespace ${NAMESPACE} dockerconfigjson-jamstack \ \
    --docker-username=<bot_name> \
    --docker-password=<bot_token> \
    --docker-email=<bot_name> \ 

Link the secret to the default service account.

oc secrets link --namespace ${NAMESPACE} default dockerconfigjson-jamstack --for=pull

How to develop this preview library

This library depends on the kube-deploy Jsonnet library hosted at Dependencies are managed by If you need to use a newer version of kube-deploy, you will have to update the jsonnetfile.json file, e.g. resources/org/eclipsefdn/jamstack/deployment/jsonnetfile.json. During pipeline execution, only jb install is called, not jb update

Send notification

Allows to send email notifications on build status.

 post {
    always {
      sendNotifications currentBuild

How to develop

The version used by default in the pipeline should be fixed at a given version (preferably via a tag) in the Jenkins configuration. You can test changes in the library by specifying a specific version when loading the library in the Jenkinsfile, e.g. library "shared-library@main". See for details.

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