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This boilerplate was created to help Eclipse Projects migrate their website to Hugo!

We've ensured that this project is compatible with Hugo 0.110.0. For information on the specific versions of Hugo we support, you can refer to the of our Hugo Solstice Theme project.


Getting started

Clone the project with submodules and start a web server:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd hugo-eclipsefdn-website-boilerplate
hugo server

Update hugo-solstice-theme

The hugo-solstice-theme was added to this project as a Git submodule. We recomend that you update to the latest version before getting started:

git submodule update --remote

Please make sure to keep this sub-module up-to-date if you decide to utilize it. The Eclipse Foundation Webdev team regularly publishes new versions. For more information, please see Git documentation on submodules.

Build my project's website

The preferred static website generator for Eclipse project websites is Hugo and we recommend to our projects that they get started by creating a copy of our hugo-eclipsefdn-website-boilerplate project. While you're not obligated to use them, please note that Hugo and hugo-eclipsefdn-website-boilerplate are the supported solutions by the Eclipse Foundation. Using a different technology may result in reduced support.

We recommend two different solutions to create and manage your static project website. The easiest solution is to keep both the source and distribution files together in one repository. The "hugo" command will create all the static files for your website in the "public" folder which you need to commit in your repository. To do so, remove "/public/" from the .gitignore file. This is included by default because projects often prefer to keep their source code and distribution files in separate repositories and utilize CI to ensure their website is always built with the same version of Hugo. We don't recommend the single Git repo solution if more than one individual is responsible for updating the website. This brings us to our next solution.

In the advanced setup, you'll need two Git repositories. The first one will contain your Hugo website's source code, which you can get started by cloning this repo. The second repository stores your Hugo build results (the static HTML that our web server will end up hosting). Once you've completed the initial setup, managing two repos isn't a concern because the second one will be automatically updated via CI. See the Jenkins integration section below for more information.

When your website is ready for publication or if you need help creating your website Git repositories, please notify us by opening a ticket. Ensure to share pertinent project information and your Git repositories information with us.

If you don't already have two Git repositories for your website, you can request them to be created by .

Jenkins integration

Before deploying your website, you must update the Jenkinsfile at the root of this repository with the correct values for the PROJECT_NAME and PROJECT_BOT_NAME environment variables. Please note that this boilerplate includes two Jenkinsfile template depending on whether your repositories are hosted on Eclipse GitLab or GitHub. You'll need to rename either Jenkinsfile.GitHub or Jenkinsfile.GitLab to Jenkinsfile based on where your Git repositories are hosted. Additionally, it's important to update the, config.toml, and all files in the content folder. Remember, this is just a boilerplate to kickstart your project; you'll still need to create pages and content.

If you don't have a Jenkins instance already, ask for one. Please note that the Jenkinsfile file example makes several assumptions. For instance, it assumes that your project will use main as the default branch. Projects must customize the file to suit their specific requirements and configurations.

GitLab CI integration

Before deploying your website, rename .gitlab-ci.template.yml to .gitlab-ci.yml.

Configure your project to support CI integration. Only GitLab project maintainers have access to this setting. Navigate to Settings > General > Visibility, project features, permissions, and ensure that CI/CD is checked. Don't forget to save your changes.

Please be aware that the example .gitlab-ci.template.yml file makes several assumptions. For instance, it assumes that your project source is in the main branch, deploy is the targeting branch for generated files and that push-modification only runs with manual action. Customize your configuration according to specific requirements and configurations.

Learn Hugo

If you're new to Hugo, I highly recommend checking out its documentation to learn how to create pages and customize your site. Although you're starting with hugo-solstice-theme, remember that Hugo is highly extensible, allowing you to override as much or as little as you need. For example, you may choose to keep our default footer but override our header. You can make as many changes as you want as long as your website continues to adhere to the Eclipse Foundation Hosted Services Privacy and Acceptable Usage Policy.

Update PMI

Finally, to publish your website on, you'll need support from us to update your project's website metadata in the (PMI). This informs us on where to find the necessary static HTML to serve. You can request an update to your website deployment metadata by opening a ticket.

If you need assistance with the process, open a ticket.


  1. Fork the hugo-eclipsefdn-website-boilerplate repository
  2. Clone repository: git clone --recurse-submodules[your_gitlab_username]/hugo-eclipsefdn-website-boilerplate.git
  3. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature' -s
  5. Push feature branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request

Declared Project Licenses

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at

SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0


Images, less and JavaScript files for the Eclipse Foundation look and feel.


Hugo theme of the Eclipse Foundation look and feel.

Bugs and feature requests

Have a bug or a feature request? Please search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.


Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation)


  • Eclipse® is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
  • Eclipse Foundation is a Trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Copyright 2021 the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. and the hugo-eclipsefdn-website-boilerplate authors. Code released under the Eclipse Public License Version 2.0 (EPL-2.0).

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