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  • Java 8+

How to run it?

java -jar target/signing-macosx-X.Y.Z.jar -c etc/

How to build it?

mvn clean verify

How to daemonize it?

Use launchd (see and Apple's documentation)

In the launchd/ folder, there are two files:

  • a simple start script to put in /Users/genie/signing (along with the jar). It will automatically choose the latest version of the JAR in this directory.
  • org.eclipsefoundation.signing.macosx.plist, the daemon descriptor, to copy in /Library/LaunchDaemons.

To start the daemon (will be started automatically in case of reboot thanks to -w option):

launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.eclipsefoundation.signing.macosx.plist

To stop the daemon (will not be restarted after the next reboot because of the -w option):

launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.eclipsefoundation.signing.macosx.plist

ie -w make load and unload permanent.

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